Birthdays at Tarczyński Arena Wrocław
Happy Birthday sung in footballers’ changing rooms, a close up look at the turf, the view from commentators’ room and VIP box, exploring places invisible to the public eye – all this and even more during birthdays at Wroclaw Stadium!
Birthday tours are organized in different ways – depending on the age of participants, their interests and hobbies. Possible scenarios consist tours with football game elements, outdoor map game with puzzles and many more.
Birthday party duration: about 3 hours
Every participant receives a Tarczyński Arena Wrocław certificate.
Bundle price consists of a stadium entry with additional attractions for up to 10 people. There is a possibility of inviting additional 5 people (surcharge for one person entry – 60 PLN).

850 PLN
Basic package
surprise gift for the birthday boy/girl
1100 PLN
Extended package
basic package with a surprise gift for the birthday boy/girl + snacks and drinks
1400 PLN
VIP package
extended package with a surprise gift for the birthday boy/girl + snacks and drinks + WKS Śląsk Wrocław tee with birthday person’s name and surname + photograph of the selected team player with an autograph

Need more information?
If you have any questions, call us: +48 606 492 692