Terms And Conditions
Tarczyński Arena Wrocław is a modern and multifunctional facility. It has not only the function of a sports arena and a place of mass entertainment events, but is also available for everyone every day.
Before you take a part in any event, please familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the venue.

Tarczyński Arena Wrocław regulations
Regulations of the Tarczyński Arena Wrocław contain general rules of entering and moving around the facility and regulations about events participation.
Car parks regulations
Rules of moving around and parking on the Tarczyński Arena Wrocław car parks.
Wroclaw Stadium sightseeing regulations
Tarczyński Arena Wrocław available for sightseeing. Please familiarize yourself with the sightseeing rules.
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Regulamin konkursu “Konkurs Świąteczny”
Prosimy zapoznać się z zasadami konkursu “Konkurs Świąteczny”
Regulamin konkursu “Prezent Marzeń”
Prosimy zapoznać się z zasadami konkursu “Prezent Marzeń – Tauron Auto Stadion Wrocław”.
Regulamin konkursu “Zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem”
Prosimy zapoznać się z zasadami konkursu “Zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem”.
Regulamin konkursu z Toyota Centrum Wrocław.
Prosimy zapoznać się z zasadami konkursu.